Monday, May 9, 2011

Auguste Rodin

François-Auguste-René Rodin was born on November 12, 1840 in Paris. He began to draw at the age of 10. He created “The Thinker” from 1879 through 1889. He died on November 17, 1917 from influenza. He was 77 years old.

Rodin is a realist sculpture. Realism is the style of art that involves making a piece that shows an everyday event.

He fits this style because, his sculptures are very realistic looking and show ordinary people doing ordinary things.

"The Thinker" shows that he is a realist artist. The sculpture shows a person simply sitting and thinking. Rodin tried to put every detail possible into his sculptures and he is famous because of this.

This famous "fragment" The Walking Man also shows his realist style. Just like The Thinker, this sculpture shows an everyday event such as walking. 

For more detail on his life and other works, go to:

For in-depth information on Rodin and his works, go to:

Cody H.

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