Friday, May 6, 2011

Jean-Francois Millet

Jean- Francois Millet was born on October 4, 1814. Millet was born into a peasant family. He spent most of his childhood working on the land. By the age of nineteen he was studying art in Cherbourg. In 1837 he arrived in Paris and eventually enrolled in the studio of Paul Delaroche. Millet got rejected for one of his entries for the Salon of 1840 so he decided to return to Cherbourg. He remained in Cherbourg for most of 1841 painting portraits. He achieved his first success on a painting called “The Milkmaid” and another painting called “The Riding Lesson”. Millet started doing paintings of peasants. In 1849, after a period of great hardship, Millet left Paris to settle in Barbizon, a small cabin in the forest of Fontainebleau. He continued to paint portraits of peasants. In 1868 Millet’s work was wanted by many people after nine major paintings were shown at an exhibit. His art work can be found in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, and in the Louvre. Jean died in January 20, 1875.

Realist: a realist depicts objects and people as they actually appear in real life.

These pictures are important because it shows how Jean- Francois Millet was a realist painter. His art work resembles what people really look like and shows people doing everyday work. That is how realist artists paint.

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